Kyung A Ryu was born and raised in Seoul, South Korea before moving to Brussels in 2002. She received her training in traditional dance (including Salpuri) and contemporary dance from the Korea National University of Arts in the South Korean capital, where she also created her first choreographic works. Parallel to her experiences as a dancer and choreographer she has also studied visual art and philosophy and is fascinated with the process of sound montage. Enriched through these different areas of research, Kyung A has created various artistic objects in which the principal language of the body and movement is a constant reflection of her research into the essential nature of human gestures and the relationship between the individual and his or her environment.
In Kyung A’s work the dance results from the encounter between material scenic elements and different metaphysical investigations. The paper in Winter, the trees in Miss, the suspended panels in BoardOn-OnBoard, the elastic in CrissCross or the immense sacks of cotton in Clouds & Thinking are all partners in the dance. They metamorphose into a mirror through which and with which man may construct his own self and from which consequently the movement emerges. The object is positioned in space, brought into movement and into the light and exists as an abstract or suggestive element that becomes a surface on which to project our imagination and fantasies.